Monday, December 9, 2013

Due to the content - is one iron rule: do not write the names of loved ones themselves. Thinking of

Stray Questions and answers about tattoos |
A few scattered tatueringar remarks about the tattoo: Which drawing tattooing? tatueringar How to choose a master, who will make a tattoo? Are tattoos tatueringar painful? As a tattoo is changing over time? Where and what I do not do and would not recommend tattoo? Are tattoos painful? How long does a tattoo? Is it possible to make a great tattoo at a time? How much time and how the tattoo thread? What are the limitations get a tattoo?
Yes, but slightly faster aches. The most painful place - and this is generally the most sensitive places - chest, abdomen, bottom. Another is a very unpleasant place where the bone is close to the surface of the skin, such as near a road or foot, ribs. In any case, the pain is really tatueringar easy to raise.
Over time, the tattoo fades after a bit, pour lines. The more fine detail tatueringar and color, the greater the chance that the tattoo brightness will decline over time. It's not a bad thing, it's our skin properties. If the tattoo is done in a good salon, using high quality paint, so fading should not be significant.
Also, if the fluctuations in weight, the tattoo is stretched or shrink - this is especially true for women tattoos on the stomach, they really tatueringar after pregnancy can dramatically change, not only in color but also in shape.
The sun's rays can fade the tattoo color, this is especially true for those who do variegated, color takes. Experienced tatueringar people always advise tatueringar an application of the cream to your tattoo strong protection from the sun (for up to 50 SPF). Pharmacies and cosmetic tatueringar stores tatueringar can buy creams pencils for children or sensitive skin, it is advisable to always įsimesti trips to sea and lubricate tatueringar them tauiruotės zone.
Here are examples of my tattoo: Dragon 10 years ago, the kitten - 5, and the last picture you can see my latest tattoo - the dream catcher - part of it is done in the fall of 2011, therefore, less than a year (all photos are in focus, taken with a good quality camera and lens) .
2012 Winter upgraded your dragon, you can clearly see how different ten-year-old tattoo from two months of age. I also think that the obvious tatueringar tattooer working tatueringar professionalism, diligence and talent tatueringar gap.
As you can see, the old Dragon was heavily blurred contours, colors tatueringar blurred, faded. Kitten, by the way, too. Nepatikėsit, but it had to be white I think the pictures speak better than hundreds of words. Taken together, laugh reading the quote from the cabin, where I had them done, the web page (it is called Paradizo)
Qualitative tattoo takes a lifetime, they do not need to sharpen tatueringar than two or five or ten years. tatueringar The bottom line is that the original tatueringar tattoo ink is very expensive, because it requires a large scientific and technological research and the production is very complicated. Therefore, webmasters, saving every cent (operating in basements, hairdressers, courtyards, hostels, etc..), It would be a luxury. They use the same cheap paint, and tattoo fade within a couple of years, and certainly the highlight demands.
On this side, if you want to learn management and advertising art come in, paskaitykit. These "professionals" make a thorough knowledge of their weaknesses strengths. For example. They not draw paintings according tatueringar to your request, but argues that it is the master, who has time to draw customers to the drawings, just have a little client. Paplojam their sagacity and powered through. If paklausit, what do I do in Lindau, tatueringar answer this: Ten years ago, I had nothing to ask, and this salon has been widely publicized. Five years ago I became a kitten yielding to the impulse, it is now even slightly galiuosi.
Well, I do not do tattoos on the face and hands. If you are living or working in a conservative environment, it is better nesitatuiruoti and neck and feet of women - and decolletage area: what the hardest to hide.
Due to the content - is one iron rule: do not write the names of loved ones themselves. Thinking of your Johnny Depp and his tattooed "Winona Forever", which, divorced with a girl, had to redo the "wino forever". If so you tattooing tatueringar the name, it is better to have it be the parents, brothers, sisters, children's names - ie those people with whom you are really tied up for life. Well, in the worst case, the lasers can eliminate unfortunate note.
And here you have the master answer. As far as I know I can. But there is a big BUT. The human body can endure the unpleasant sensations only a certain period of time, I still have the pain increasing, until it is hardly bearable.
The longest of my life tattoo session lasted for 3 hours. My feelings after the start after 15 minutes. - Oj, a little embarrassing, tatueringar but not be afraid, for 1 hour. - Uh, no big deal. If you have the time to master, it is possible to sit longer, maybe the whole picture complete. Even I did not think I was so hardy, now believe

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