Sunday, March 30, 2014

Genetic variations that indicate susceptibility sparrow tattoo to the disease of the patient are lo

Sarcoidosis (sarco - flesh meat; eidos - like; osis - state) is a multisystem, antigen-mediated granulomatous disease of unknown cause that affects mainly young adults and middle-aged patients and most often with bilateral hilar adenopathy , pulmonary infiltration, ocular changes or skin involvement. Other organ systems such as liver, spleen, lymph nodes, salivary sparrow tattoo glands, heart, central nervous system, muscles, bones and more., May also be affected. The diagnosis is made when clinical and radiographic findings are supported by histological evidence of granulomas nekazeifitsirashti epiteloidnokletachni. The most common manifestation is specific skin erythema nodosum, which in association with bilateral and / or right paratrahealna lymphadenopathy, with or without sparrow tattoo pulmonary infiltrates, is characteristic of acute sarcoidosis and is known as Syndrome Löfgren.
The first description of sarcoidosis sparrow tattoo belongs to the English dermatologist Johnatan Hutchinson, who in 1869 described sparrow tattoo the 58-year-old worker with symmetric a purple patches sparrow tattoo on the skin of the feet and hands, died of kidney failure due to gout. The second patient with sarcoidosis described by Hutchinson, Mrs. Mortimer, a 64-year-old woman who presented raised, dark red lesions on the face and forearms without ulceration but with slight desquamation. sparrow tattoo Six months later, the lesions enlarge in size and severity. Recognizing that it is not about lupus vulgaris or other form of lupus, Hutchinson prefers to call the disease the name of the object of Examination - 1 Mortimer disease. Later, his observations, discussions and lectures strongly sparrow tattoo impress other known at the time a doctor-ophthalmologist, Dr. Arthur Conan Doyle, creator of Sherlock Holmes. In one of his stories, The Adventures of Auburn soldier, sparrow tattoo he describes the protagonist with cutaneous sarcoidosis 2, 3.
In 1889 the French dermatologist Ernest Besnier describes a patient with a purple patches on the skin of the nose, ears and fingers and coined the term lupus pernio. In 1892 Tenneson report another case of lupus pernio, describing histopathological findings: "predominance of epithelioid cells and a variety of giant cells" in the skin lesions, which is pathognomonic histological feature of the disease. The merit of the Norwegian dermatologist Caesar Boeck in that first noticed the connection between skin changes and enlarged lymph nodes in sarcoidosis. It describes in detail the histological changes in published shortly before his death, an extensive study of 24 cases with "benign billionth Lupoid" as some of them are observed affecting the lungs, bones, conjunctiva, sparrow tattoo lymph nodes, spleen and nasal septum.
Jorgen Schaumann (1879-1953), a dermatologist in Saint Goran Hospital and Institute Finsen, Stockholm offers first clinicopathologic definition of multisystem sarcoidosis. Calls her lymphogranulomatosis benigna in order to differentiate malignant granuloma of Hodgkin. He expounded his thesis paper written in 1914, but the article was published only in 1936 4 This is a disease that begins as a curious skin ailment in London, grew in Oslo in multisystem granulomatous sparrow tattoo disease histology 5.
Genetic theory. Sarcoidosis is a systemic inflammatory disease characterized by the accumulation of CD4 + T lymphocytes and macrophages in the presence of epithelioid granulomas in nekazeifitsirashti affected organs 6. Involvement of certain sparrow tattoo families and ethnicity suggests that there is a genetic predisposition. Sarcoidosis is not caused by a defect in a single sparrow tattoo gene, and is a complex (multifactorial) disease likely to vsedstvie vzaimodeistvie sparrow tattoo of environmental factors and numerous genes, some of which have a significant effect on the disease, and the other - with a relatively smaller effect .
Genetic variations that indicate susceptibility sparrow tattoo to the disease of the patient are located in the loci affecting the immune response, T-cell function or antigen predstavene. Originally it has been shown that patients with class I and class II alleles of HLA-have an increased susceptibility to sarcoidosis sparrow tattoo from. The human MHC (major histocompatibility complex) is located on the short arm of chromosome 6 (6p21) and is composed of three classes - I, II, III. MHC class I comprises sparrow tattoo mainly HLA-A, HLA-B, HLA-C genes; MHC class II subclasses include sparrow tattoo HLA-DR, HLA-DQ, HLA-DP; locus for MHC Class III is located between the two front and contains genes encoding TNF-α and TNF-β, the complement proteins (C4A, C4B, C2, Bf), enzymes involved in the synthesis of steroids (CYP21A, CYP21B), and heat shock proteins (HSPA1A, HSPA1B, HSPA1L). It is believed that certain HLA-genes which are associated with the disease, are responsible for the synthesis of HLA-molecules, the composition of which has specific antigenic peptides. They can be recognized by CD4 + T lymphocytes, which in turn, initiate the formation of granulomatous inflammation with Putt

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