Thursday, November 20, 2014

aggression help friends love angst blog anniversary swindling coimbatore crystal flower tattoo day

Many of us pass through this life without knowing what they want it or give you direction or are in the process and make the right choices. While reading this book I realized that maybe you are not asking the right choices for my life. Undoubtedly the key words of this book are: courage, dream, flower tattoo fight, demand, faith. The Alchemist, therefore, tells the story of Santiago, an Andalusian shepherd who had the courage to leave their homes, their loved ones, their safety, their world to go in search of a treasure that came to him in a dream. Throughout his journey he meets several people that will help you achieve your goal in unknown Arab world. Discovers several qualities in themselves, but above all achieves his Personal flower tattoo Legend. As ??? Listening to your heart, interpreting the signs. I ask myself what will be my Personal Legend and someday I will meet ?? Since childhood I feel a great desire to travel and see the world, then perhaps you have taken the course in Tourism, but even this will be my Personal Legend? Traveling ??? I know that if I do I will learn a lot with travel, but there's so much I leave behind ... family, friends, security. Truth be told, the will to do so is great, but it's also a great folly. On the other hand, it would be like Santiago and simply go to the dream, crazy or not.
If you are not behind will leave behind. Firstly, flower tattoo do not go over the rest of his life traveling. You will return some day to see. Then, even in the absence of these traveling people, thou shalt bring it in heart and mind. The distance can destroy so much, but what we feel for others is hardly affected by it. If you dream go, go. There is always a way back ... Why not feed a dream that gives you such a good feeling? The more you feel, the more you will live (in the sense of accomplishment). A hug!
Oct. 2006
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