The triple spiral tríscele- or a closely trinity knot related to the triquetra symbol is a symbol composed of three tripartite intertwined spirals. The triple spiral trinity knot is an ancient Celtic symbol trinity knot related to the sun, afterlife and reincarnation. The example above comes from the "tomb" at Newgrange Neolithic, where it is supposed by some to be a symbol of pregnancy (the sun describes a spiral trinity knot in its movements every three months, a triple spiral represents nine months), an idea reinforced by the womb the nature of the structure. The symbol also suggests is drawn in a continuous line, suggesting a continuous movement of time - reincarnation. Triskeles are one of the most common elements of Celtic art; they are found in a variety of styles in ancient and modern Celtic art, especially in relation to representations of the Mother Goddess. They also evoke the Celtic concept of the domains of material existence earth, water and sky, and their interrelations ............................ ...........) 0 (.
2014 (160) October (12) December (2) August (2) July (13) June (9) May (39) April (18) No relationship resists Love DEATH past lives Reincarnation Loss and Soul Retrieval ABOUT WICCA! Ostara festival .... Wizards) trinity knot 0 (The Witches Ever !!! The Essence of Woman !! Exercises to see the Aura) 0 (OSTARA. - Sabbath of the spring equinox divination ... Life is Magic ... :)) 0 (Protection Ritual Cleansing and Energizing Massage with plants ... Baths Magicos !!) 0 (Paths Witch - Divination and Time Triskele (Triple trinity knot Spiral Triskelion) Espiral- symbol Celtic / Druid March (21) February (7) January (37) 2013 (193) December (26) November (16) October (15) September (12) August (23) July (21) June (28) May (7) April (18) March (12) February (2) January (13) 2012 (68) December (31) November (37)
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