Thursday, November 20, 2014

aggression help friends love angst blog anniversary swindling butterfly tattoo coimbatore crystal b

Well, the Indigos are people with a different energy, they bring with them when they embody a new spirituality and the new Aquarian energy. Are the pioneers in this new phase that crosses our world. Began to grow on a larger scale in the 80s, but since some were born before blazing a trail for those who come after. For those who can see auras, the indigos have a blue or violet color.
Do not settle butterfly tattoo with the ideas of the Age of Pisces as excessive guilt, hypocrisy of society, lies, etc ... They are here to change that. However, when you are not free to express themselves (eg family too rigosora) may fall into drugs, alcohol, butterfly tattoo etc ... But when they show their true potential are capable of changing the world as it was for that reason that came for the change. There is a belief that can read minds or have a very developed sense of creativity. Well, in relation to mind reading sorry but the majority have not. However, they can sense energies that most people go undetected. butterfly tattoo Some can actually butterfly tattoo feel lost spirits and sends them to heaven (if you want to call it), because they are true channels between the earthly world and the spiritual world. But their characteristics are very different, they depend on their mission in life.
Well, the Crystal children have all the characteristics of the Indigos, with the exception of the color of your aura. It is not blue, it is a bright white crystal, hence the name. Began to rise from the end of the 90s but these children can read minds, levitate, etc. There are documented cases of such skills, inclusive here in Portugal.
Well, I am an Indigo. 8 years ago that I know, but it's not revealed until now. I did it because I think it's time to accept what I came to do in this world and start my part in his change came. But they are still somewhat misunderstood. Most parents do not even know how to deal with these children and repress them because they think they are protecting butterfly tattoo the well. Sorry, but it is not the way to protect them. Let them be themselves, let them shine and spread your light in the world. Accept them as they are, they are able to give an enormous love for others.
August 2009
aggression help friends love angst blog anniversary swindling butterfly tattoo coimbatore crystal butterfly tattoo day not mail cash write spiritual differences famous festival flee frustration gay dudes young indigos freedom madness Mother butterfly tattoo Nature kill fear hidden net from last rabbit london lost forgive people think nasty beach spring burning root relations reality revelation Revolution sex dreams feel betrayal work triskele winner live
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