Thursday, March 12, 2015

Decades ago, the avant-garde was one additional hole in the cartilage of the ear. Earring in his no

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Decades ago, the avant-garde was one additional hole in the cartilage of the ear. Earring in his nose and eyebrows wore only a very courageous person, and a lot of earrings - only representatives of subcultures. Today piercing is as popular as tattoos and more and more ordinary people wear earrings dressed in unusual places. Well, which ones are still the most desirable, and that we should not wear earrings?
My first earrings mother decided to pay me when I went to kindergarten. Golden flowers of coral eye. Quickly I had to say goodbye to them, because gold does not serve my ears, as opposed to stainless steel. Then came the time for an earring made by a colleague at the camp resort in Slovakia. Sharpened cartilage pierced earring in my ear, poured them handsomely Beherovką (local herbal vodka) and held a ball of snow, to relieve the pain. This "brilliant" technique was then, when I was in high school the most popular because for free and without permission from their parents (then to have a tattoo or an earring license was needed, and the parent signed, provided that such a piece of paper in general nose rings saw), especially in the nose or eyebrows.
Wear earrings not only entertaining young girls and guys Fig. Eddy Van 3000 / / CC - BY - SA / my ear swelled, the skin appeared inflamed, it przemywałam spirit ... and after a few months I was in a beautiful extra ear hole. Then burned with love for the earring in the navel. In connection with the plan, I bought nose rings on vacation beautiful earring with green zircon (now the quintessential embarrassment) and asked for help stepfather - a doctor. Mom agreed, stepfather anesthetized nose rings skin around my navel and speared. I wore an earring, stainless steel, leather, nose rings some poorly healed and swell, but again - after a while it looked great - at least in my eyes. It is true to such an earring could only wear pants - hipsters (not only because that was visible, but that does not haczył of pants and not be torn skin. And he made a wry and too shallow, well. The Stepfather specialized in other areas and what else did diploma than the piercing.
Piercings and tattoos do not always come in pairs. But is that tattooed people willing to reach for piercing Fig. Eddie Van 3000 / / CC - BY - SA / Today I know that for such treatments, nose rings it is worth going to specialize in the subject showrooms. Firstly, there are better tools to "Piercing" face or body, and secondly - more experience than ski colleague or the doctor. The skin heals much better, faster, and, if proven address, there is no question nose rings about the raid. That is why I asked the crew of the Warsaw salon about what to wear now?
Piercing can also look subtly Fig. Maria Casacalenda / / CC - BY - SA / And the answers are surprising ... At the beginning nose rings or piercing is popular and that applies only to certain groups of people nose rings who love tattoos and other forms of body adornment.
For several years, can be seen growing interest in piercing. It is difficult to say whether it arises out of fashion, or just with the increasing availability of places where you can do the piercing. Of course, there are people with tattoos, but they are not dominant customers. nose rings There is no such relationship, that if someone has a piercing and tattoos. It's nose rings kind of debunks stereotypes nose rings about people who use the piercing. Also asked how it looks on grounds of sex and body parts that customers prefer pierce this store.
The vast majority of people visiting our store or salon piercings are women. We observe that men also open to this type of decoration on the body and their interest is constantly increasing. The most popular part of the body is the ear. Customers choose the most piercing cartilage - the tragus or helix. Second nose rings in line is the nose - and very popular recently nasal septum piercing. In third place stawialibyśmy puncture lip surrounding paragraphs. Tragus, this is for the less initiated - ring in the inner ear cartilage (the side of the cheek), and the helix is the outer cartilage pierced.
Earring in soft tissue heals differently than in cartilage. Contrary to appearances - faster Fig. Jason Rogers / / CC - BY / Well, what now is called? Wheels, wkrętki or maybe spikes? Also ask about whether okolczykowanie certain parts of the body today seems corny ...
The shape of the earring nose rings is closely linked nose rings with the place piercing. It is hard to talk about the popularity of a particular shape. But the most universal

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