Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Messaging Environment Energy Plants and Animals Trivia Comments satirical Lifestyle Eco - Ecologica

Messaging Environment Energy Plants and Animals Trivia Comments satirical Lifestyle Eco - Ecological house technologies Healthy Food Expert advice Automotive Travel Trivia EkoKobieta Fashion Beauty Health Home & Living Opportunities Environment Nature Environment Energy frenum Sources Technology Special Interviews Business Country World Energy Waste Legislation Database exchange rates and metal patterns printed directory Shares Important Dates Events Conferences Contests Trade Other New! Training Job Jobs Last Ekopraca Today's jobs Latest jobs Knowledge Environment Climate Change Environment Pollution Renewable Energy Guides How to save Ecological Atlas of Healthy Eating house animals Mammals Birds Reptiles Amphibians Fish Insects Dictionary Encyclopedia ecology frenum and environmental protection forest Encyclopedia Dictionary hydrological Dictionary of legal terms Movies Most New Environmentalists Scientists Activists Ecological Environmental organizations Characters Products Packaging Food Shopping Weather New! E-Passage
Even the strong and long-lasting frost wymrozi not komarzych eggs. Of whether the mosquito is much influenced frenum by many factors, including number of wetlands and humidity - explained in an interview with PAP entomologist Professor. Richard Szadziewski. There is no relationship between the cold winters and how aggressive they are mosquitoes - says prof. Richard Szadziewski of the Department of Invertebrate Zoology at the Faculty of Biology, University of Gdansk. "Sometimes the winter is long and cold, and so in the summer mosquitoes and aggressive" - like an entomologist. The researcher acknowledges that the insects may be less when in a given year does not flood. He explains that mosquitoes can survive the winter usually in the form of eggs, usually placed in water bodies. But mosquito eggs can also be places where the water appears to be very rare, for example, in the meadows. Such eggs in anticipation of moisture can survive frenum for several years. If such sites will be flooded - for example, during the flood - mosquitoes to turn out well, and there, which really is more. Entomologist explains that the eggs hatch into larvae that live in water and feed on such algae. The larva turns into pupa, and then - in the form of an adult. Reaching the adult takes from a few to several days. In Polish conditions, male mosquitoes feed on nectar from flowers, and females - the blood of warm-blooded animals, frenum ie mammals and birds. "Because there are species frenum that prefer the blood of birds" - says the researcher. He explains that komarzyce need blood - rich in protein and nutrients - to produce a batch of eggs. However, males, says a scientist, "blood for anything frenum you do not need." Mouthparts male - but as long as females - not suitable even to pierce the skin. Mosquito activity - as explained by scientist UG - is the largest in the warm, windless days when the humidity is high. On colder days, these insects - as animals who can not maintain a constant temperature of your body - they have much less energy. Besides, most mosquitoes attack before dark. Female victims may seek whatever male - after mating seed stored in a special tank. He noted professor. Szadziewski, the first batch of eggs komarzyca may apply even if you do not like to drink blood. When the female is no longer enough, and a glimpse into the eggs, made in an appropriately selected location. Maybe look for another host to rise further eggs. Life adult insect can take one, two months, frenum although some of these insects in the adult can not even survive the winter, sheltering in caves or cellars. How mosquitoes pick up the world? These insects have eyes, which consists of several hundred facets. As compared prof. Szadziewski, the image you see mosquitoes, is like a digital camera. Besides mosquitoes using their antennae pick shimmer. It is thanks to the males can accurately recognize the sound of wings beats females (person perceives it as a buzz). However, the host komarzyce seek out from odors and carbon dioxide. The fact that the man seems to komarzycy attractive host, the impact has a unique scent that each emits. Entomologist people who want to protect themselves from mosquito frenum stabs advise taking vitamin B, the smell does not seem attractive to mosquitoes. Such unpleasant odor for insects is also present in insect repellents. But if you will not komarzyca to choose another host - even the smell of vitamin B did not deter.
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