Tuesday, October 7, 2014

It seems then that has the force of those words that are more affirmed the more denied. It is what

Editor's note: This article by our colleague Miquel Bassols, has the merit of being written and published weeks before the date urns which are expected to see emerge a phoenix spreading this time the waters, a route that qualify a long-awaited dream, others a nightmare ear piercing infernal, others two things ear piercing at once, and there are others who do not know / no answer ear piercing ... Once opened, it did not emerge but an icy air for some, a cylinder oxygen for others, and perhaps a certain tranquility for all ... However, the game has only just continue ... Only the author is leaning, with high precision ear piercing instruments providing psychoanalysis, the hole that make speeches at stake, and those politicians who want to listen, show them what is really at stake: ear piercing in addition to the trampatojo of "identity", the Saca-Saca speculate that a reader read a bit in Lacanian issues, you know how hopeless impasse ends ... José Manuel Alvarez
Suddenly, it seems as if they were the words that governments ear piercing govern and those who were ruled by them, as they are dragged by his power many times. The words, too fast, run faster than the subjects who say, and more politicians that are made, as they say, his spokespersons. It is what we think is happening these days, for example, with the word "Independence."
This and shouted by a crowd in the streets of Barcelona on September 11-not needed to write on any first banner to make it listen-manifestation, then inevitably been displaced, sometimes ear piercing muted, ear piercing as it becomes a weapon against which wielded. President Artur Mas, after declaring that "everything is possible", had to turn it a few days later in a more manageable politically "Interdependence" maybe after Jordi Pujol himself would have clearly put into question, "independence is impossible. " Still, the more impossible it seems more an echo of his cry in the crowd, from the majestic Passeig de Gràcia to the Camp Nou. And the more contested and denied it from the Spanish central government, more consistently obtained for both parties.
It seems then that has the force of those words that are more affirmed the more denied. It is what we may well qualify as a signifier,-what we write S1, the sign that gathers and gives consistency to a group, a community, but can also break it then make the back of all identification appear: the division of the subject, his lack of being-what we write $ - that no significant ear piercing or objects can never foreclose. Hence the word "independence" today have so hard to collect and divide the time.
It was necessary, however, that someone, a woman with the strength that made spokesman for one and half million people, were to say to clear the gates of the Parliament of Catalonia. Carme Forcadell, president of the National Assembly of Catalonia, which had called that day the mass demonstration, said it this way to be received by Núria de Gispert, president of the Parliament: Independence is what we want and what they should entrust our president as an unwavering desire. How to say no! Say best "home state" will color a few days after the president. Suddenly, the word takes us back to a hard knot to use and no longer know how to get rid of its effects. Carme Forcadell is he who was able to transform the famous phrase of Jordi Pujol, "is Catalan everyone who lives and works in Catalonia" in this one: "is Catalan who wants to be" from a much more ductile ear piercing speech yet of the fragile be its inherent ear piercing emptiness. Is now wanting to be without attributes or additions to its being determined. It's really the ideal desire, be no need to go through and alienation of having to ask. Needless to either go through the heavy conditions to live and work ... In fact, the strong statement of the fact that the emptiness of being always tends necessarily to seek the identity $ -> S1, now let's write this mode.
The problem comes when someone not only wants to be but it says it already is when he states his being in an "I am" that fills that emptiness of attributes to be manifested as pure will, when filled with conditions and addons with that will make a complete identity. Then I am the master of that language be believed when it's just his servant. Then the problems begin the day after the party. In fact, a careful analysis of what comes to discover is that the independence ear piercing of the ego is a belief not a dream, a c

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